Trish Wilde
Trish Wilde brings a wide variety of professional experience and personal interests to Daisy. She joins the Daisy team after nearly a decade working for an experienced Ontario MPP. In politics, Trish has played an integral role in several winning provincial campaigns and served as a trusted advisor for candidates at all levels of government. Previously, after studying Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism at Lakehead University, Trish spent the early part of her career working for various parks, historic sites, and conservation authorities across the country. In addition, she has worked in accounting, a wildlife rescue charity, and at her family’s marina business. Her great love for the environment has never waned, and Trish enjoys canoeing, camping, and hiking whenever possible. She believes that Ontario’s provincial park system should be treasured and is a long-time volunteer at her local park. Trish also enjoys spending lots of time on the couch reading books and providing a lap for her cat, Ivy.
Trish approaches life with positivity and humour. She brings her communication and research skills to the team and looks forward to helping Daisy’s clients succeed.